Coconut oil is an all natural beauty miracle for beauty and health.

Coconut oil is an all natural beauty miracle for beauty and health.
Applied topically or ingested, there are literally dozens of different benefits coconut oil provides. I have been sleeping with coconut oil in my hair as a pre poo treatment twice a week for over two years now and it has left my hair soft, shiny and more manageable.

Coconut oil can help with hair bleaching!

As a girl who loves her long hair blonder than it naturally is, but doesn't like the damage that usually comes along with it, I was all for learning about this coconut oil bleaching method.
Coconut oil leaves bleached hair feeling super soft and much more healthy looking. Using coconut oil on bleached hair can help hair that feels crunch or hay like feel significantly softer with consistent use and even make the hair more manageable.


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